Imagine Never Having To Pay To Travel Abroad or Struggle with Visa Ever Again

“Smart Travel Route (STR) is an Accurate Guide for Anyone Who Want to Travel Abroad to Study (BSc, MSc, PhD, Pro. Courses) or Attend Relevant Conferences, Workshops, Fellowship Without Ever Spending a Kobo or Get Visa Rejection Ever”

This Is How To Position Yourself To Attract Fully Funded Opportunities That Lets You Travel Abroad Without Ever Spending Any Money On The Trip.

Here is what you get inside this Guide

This is For You If You Want to Travel Abroad to Study, Attend Relevant Conferences, Workshops or Fellowship Without Ever Spending any money or Get Visa Rejection Ever!

Total Value N79,500– $185

Regular Price: N25,000 – $58

Today’s Price = N5,500 or $12



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0100837594


After Payment Send Proof of Payment to:

I understand that your time is valuable and so I’ll get straight to the point, there are 3 problems right now.

Problem #1: Lack of Money

You wish to travel abroad, either go for your Degree or Masters or PhD or Go for a Relevant Conference, Fellowship or To pitch Your Idea to Investors but You Struggle to raise the needed money because the tuition and fees abroad is crazy and cost of sponsoring yourself to get into top countries on your list is very high. 

You think if you have a rich family or a better job that you can easily go but you become discouraged when other people with way less qualifications than you and ofcourse, without rich parents seem to be traveling abroad to advance their Education, going for different opportunities and getting business funding from overseas everyday.


Problem #2: Processing.

 I know you may have tried to go to Google to search for information or even bought a premium course but they turn out not to give all the details you needed to process your application from start to finish.

Some details are even too complicated for you and you couldn’t get yourself to start the travel processes.

Problem #3: Visa Denial

Attempting to help you solve this problem are a large influx of Travel Agents and Incomplete Info From Search Engine who promise to Get you Visa into the country of your choice or at least get you somewhere abroad where you can do what you want but end up never delivering on that promise.

Right now you are so frustrated you almost don’t believe this problem can really ever be solved

Now if these problems sound familiar, you're probably in one of these 2 camps...

Category #1

You really wish to Travel Abroad and go Global but no matter what you do you are always getting stocked somehow either through finance, lack of timely information or visa denial.

Category #2

You have all that it takes to go global. You are knowledgeable and brilliant but you needed a scholarship or grant to actualize your dream because it will take a miracle for you to be able to get needed support.

If You Fall Under Any of These Categories, Let me Help You Solve This Problem - FOREVER!

Imagine dramatically getting a fully funded opportunity abroad that pays 100% what you need to spend on your travel plans.

Imagine jump starting your career abroad; Further your Education, Go for relevant conferences to make new connections, join a Fellowship and solve big problem for the world… putting yourself out there on the global platform.

Imagine never having to get Visa denial again


You can achieve your travel plans Without spending a dim or afraid of visa denial ever.

Introducing Smart Travel Route Guide

Insider guide to getting fully funded International opportunities in your almost impossible situation

This is exactly what you need to achieve your travel goals and upgrade to the next level of your life without spending a fortune.

Exactly what you need to do to Travel Abroad with a fully funded International Opportunity.  

Getting Fully Funded International Opportunity is Simply About Knowing About The Opportunity Well In Advance And Knowing Exactly What You Need To Do To Increase Your Chance Of Getting Selected And
The Moment You Get This Right, Everything Changes!

My name is Abolarin Kehinde…

A writer, Author and Digital Marketing Consultant.

In the past 9 years I have helped over 13,000 travel enthusiast, people who needed business opportunity, business grants prospects etc. gain access to knowledge they needed to achieve their Travel Goals, get business education and access business grants respectively

And one thing I have realized in all of these years is that all it takes to Travel Abroad with a fully funded opportunity is to Figure out how to know about the opportunity well in advance and know exactly what they wanted to see in the person they will eventually choose.

I mean just going to a travel agent to help or carrying out a random search on Traveling abroad Is simply NOT enough! This is because most of the travel agents doesn’t even know the exact thing you need to do to stand the chance of getting selected and the information all over Google and the likes out there are mostly incomplete.

What you need is to know well in advance when the program is out, mostly from day 1 and know exactly what you need to write, say, show and do that will increase your chance of getting selected. Luckily not everyone who applies knows this and that is why you will have a better chance. Period!

Here Are The Opportunities You Will Discover In This Guide


⇒ #1: Conference

If you want to Travel Abroad, going for relevant fully funded International conferences are still the best way to do it Without spending a fortune. International conference will help you gain access to your country of choice so you can:

Meet new people

Make new business connection

Gain Travel experience

Stand the chance of applying for a visa extension, study permit and work permit should you choose to stay a little bit longer which is very legal.


⇒ #2: Training Workshop

If you want to stay outside your country for a while, fully funded International training workshops are still the best way to do it Without making it look like a waste of time. Fully funded International Training Workshops will help you travel abroad for free so you can:  

Stay away from home a while

Learn something new as you do so

Come back a more productive person in about one or two weeks

⇒ #3: Fellowships

If you are a graduate degree holder who want to receiving hyper-specialized training, going for relevant Fully funded Fellowships are still the best way to do it Without spending a dime on R&D. International fellowship will help you gain access to funding you needed so you can:  

Get trained where required

Work with team of experts

Attend relevant conferences

Reside in a new country

Internship opportunity

Sight visit and research etc

All of these programs put together is called Fellowship and it can be from 2 months to 1 year duration.


⇒ #4: Business Grants

If you want free money for business, fully funded International opportunities are still the best way to get it Without ever having to pay back.

Some closely guided fully funded International opportunities will give you chance to pitch your idea and give you money to execute it so you can:  

Start or boost your business with free money

Have more running capital so you can make more profit

get necessary equipment for smooth running of our business

⇒ #5: Job Openings

If you are looking for opportunity to serve as a volunteer, do internship abroad or get international Job going for relevant Job openings are still the best way to do it Without having a connection or rich parents. International Job Openings will help you gain access to work in a new countries so you can:  

Boost your RESUME

Get paid in foreign currency

Gain more experience

Give back to the world

And at large gain more respect and boost your self esteem.


⇒ #6: Competition

If you want your thoughts and talent to be recognized worldwide, fully funded International competitions are still the best way to get it Without wasting away on social media.

Some hardly-talk-about fully funded International competition will give you platform to display your talent so you can:  

Become recognized worldwide

Get awarded for your performance

Get cash price for doing what you love

Travel to any country of your choice

You become a kind of celebrity everyone teat with respect.

⇒ #7: Academic Scholarship

If you are looking for Scholarship opportunities, going for International Scholarships are still the best way to do it Without spending any money. International Scholarship will help you gain access to study or carryout research work in a country of choice so you can:  

Undergraduate study for free with fully funded study programs

Supports you to do your PhD or MSc research

Further your education to Masters or PhD Abroad

And many more benefits.

⇒ #8: Awards

If you want to get recognition for the work you are doing, fully funded International Awards are still the best way to get it Without wasting time posting on social media waiting aimlessly for you to be discovered.

This trip will give you platform to display the work you are doing or your business is doing so you can:  

Awarded for it

Grow your plaque stack

Get exposed to investment opportunities

Have more credibility

Boost your self-esteem

Pheww...That’s a Lot

You get a PDF Guide and Access to a portal where you get first-hand daily update as this opportunities are coming out fresh with guide on What the international organization are looking out for in
applicants, w
hat makes a good application, what you should say, what you should write and all the basics.

Everything you need to stand aside from the crowed  in included.

Over 1.7 million Scholarships and Fellowships Alone Are Given Out Every Year!

Commonwealth Alone Has Given Out Over 27,800 Scholarships Since They Started In 1960

The only problem with Commonwealth opportunities this is days is that it is over crowded, hard to get and it’s almost impossible to make it to the top.

Meanwhile, commonwealth is just one of the numerous fully funded travel opportunities available, in my guide you will discover 100s of undisclosed ones where you stand the chance of being selected amount the applicants.

Here is what you get inside this Guide

This is For You If You Want to Travel Abroad to Study, Attend Relevant Conferences, Workshops or Fellowship Without Ever Spending any money or Get Visa Rejection Ever!

Total Value N79,500– $185

Regular Price: N25,000 – $58

Today’s Price = N5,500 or $12



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0100837594


After Payment Send Proof of Payment to:

The truth is I could 1000% charge in the hundreds of thousands for Smart Travel Route. They’re Evergreen and available to you for live.

But I know most people won’t have tons of money to spend on this  if I actually priced it what I paid both in time and money to create them

So I’m gonna make Smart Travel Route absolutely irresistible for you.

Instead of its regular price of N25,000 (Which I would have loved to sell it for)
I’m practically giving it away…

For N5,500 Today.

(Yes, Really A PEANUT)

Here is what you get inside this Guide

This is For You If You Want to Travel Abroad to Study, Attend Relevant Conferences, Workshops or Fellowship Without Ever Spending any money or Get Visa Rejection Ever!

Total Value N79,500– $185

Regular Price: N25,000 – $58

Today’s Price = N5,500 or $12



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0100837594


After Payment Send Proof of Payment to:

And if you’re Not 100% Satisfied… Neither Am I.​

Try it out for one full month – risk free. 


If it doesn’t help you Discover Fully Funded Travel Opportunity You Desired then we don’t want your money… we’ll give it all back. 


You have nothing to lose, the FREE bonuses are yours to keep just for giving us a try.

Now for the bad news: If you would like your own personal Access to Smart Travel Route… you may just be out of luck.

You see, at this point in time, it’s my intention to only offer a tiny, limited supply of the Smart Travel Route for “public consumption”.

At the moment, I’ve only got 21 slots open, and once they’ve been snapped up – like I’m certain they will be very soon after this message goes “live” – that’s it. The “curtain falls” and you’ll probably never get another bit at the cherry!

But if at all it re-opens, sometimes next year… I’ll have to increase access fee back to the normal price which is N25,000 only.


Most frequent questions and answers

You can pick up a newspaper or you could be on twitter and follow pages of organizations so you can be the first to hear about openings for a grant, job or scholarship it means you have to always be online and not miss a tweet or a…

Randomly a friend online can post opportunity or you can be on LinkedIn and find post advertising for people to apply or you could be subscribed to emails and when you get the newsletter to read them… these are the impossible ways.

But with this guide you gain access to insider information from beneficiaries of past programs… And you can learn first hand from them and get daily updates on available opportunities which is by far your surest travel route ever.

Because Nigeria and other African countries’s Economy is hard at the moment…if I sell it for EXACTLY what it is worth, how many people can afford it? How many people can actually afford to pay me 400,000 naira or $1,000 for the guide and daily insider first hand information lifetime update? Tell me…so at this price, everyone can afford it. 

…then I don’t want your money! Simply send us a message at and we will send you back your money. No question asked. 

Trust me you can’t! It took me years to figure out everything. But not to worry – everything has been arranged and hosted online. So all you need to do is simply download the pdf guide and follow the instructions in it to locate relevant programs for you – anytime you want! You will keep on getting daily updates as new programs emerge.

I have never heard of anyone in this category get visa denial. 

If you are selected, the company sponsoring you will be responsible for your visa processing and procurement. So you have nothing to worry about.

Think about it. Where will you be a year from now?

Will you still be in your home country entertaining doubts Or will you be Abroad, going from country to country taking advantage of fully funded opportunities?  

Don’t pass up an opportunity of a life-time. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Obviously, that guarantee is beyond fair. So here’s the real question: Are you ready to take action, or are you still letting doubt stop you?

As you may already know,
doubt is often self-sabotage at work. 

Are you going to control it, or let it control you?

The choice is yours.