How anyone (even those "Who Never Made A Dim Online") can now follow the simple Sales System inside...

this new "Digital Product Sales Strategy Program"

to make Money daily...

No Begging People To Buy From You

no Laptop or Tech skill required.

No need for previous Experience.

only your phone and internet connection Are needed to make money every day with this...

You can do this Business part-time as an extra income source with your job or full-time (if you wish).

you can be a complete beginner and start making Money daily Starting this Week...

Here Are Some Of My Recent Sales Of Digital Products Online Using This New System...

Here's The Video Demonstration Of Income Shown Above...

Dear reader,


If you are interested in earning a comfortable living selling digital products online…

Earning 6-fugures weekly…


So you’re making just enough money every month to live comfortably and take better care of your loved ones


I can help you.


And that’s true.


  • Even if friends and family have written you off…
  • Even if you have no marketing experience
  • Even if you’ve never sold anything online before
  • Even if you are a slow learner

Or if everyone around you is treating you with disrespect, asking you… “What are you doing with your life?”


None of that matters


Forget about what anyone else says or thinks…


The only thing that matters right now is your desire to change your story for good.

If you can commit 100% to what I’m about to share with you.


It won’t be long until you look back and realize you have a completely new and different life…


A life you (and your loved ones) can be proud of.


This is thereabout the FASTEST way left to permanent financial freedom without doing any embarrassing things… 


like dancing on TikTok, posting on WhatsApp, begging people to buy… etc

it doesn’t require connection or having a rich uncle.


If you can use a phone to browse, then you can do this.


but I must warn you… this is not a get rich quick scheme!


If what you want is a get-rich-quick scheme, 


you can as well leave this page and move on with your life because you’ll be disappointed.


It is a real business and you can do it part-time with your current job 


And still make a steady income with it.


What would you say of a side business that generates—on a semi-auto pilot—for you…


Every month…


more than an average monthly salary of a University Graduate in Nigeria?



Here Is What I’m Trying To Say…

I believe you have heard the saying that…


“Little Drops Of Water Makes An Ocean”


What if you have a strategy that can make you a consistent little cash daily?


You may not start with big figures weekly as shown above…


But what if you could make 20k daily? That would be 600k a month.


Even if all you can make is half that, that would be additional 300k for you in a month.


If all you can do is 5k a day that’ll be extra 150k for you.


And with my new strategy for getting Digital Product Sales, you can do far better than what you’ve seen above.


When I take you in my circle today, I’ll give you my failproof strategy to daily cashflow and personally help you with it for the next two weeks.


The strategy is very simple and I’ll explain in a moment.


But first, who am I and why should you listen to me?



Hi, My name is Abolarin Kehinde, I have been selling Digital products online for 13 years, but until in 2017 when I discovered what really work…


I was just earning just enough to eat and pay my bills.


Figuring out what works faster was a breakthrough for me.


Ever since, I have been moving high in my Digital Product Sales business career…


I have been able to do in a short time what no one was able to do in my family.


Below is My Picture

But the truth is… it wasn’t always like this for me


Here’s the backstory…


When I started off in Digital Marketing Niche, I was always going broke every now and then…


And that’s because I always relying on luck to sell digital knowledge based product…


Once I discovered something that worked for me.


I’d then turn it into a course, create the sales funnels.


And start selling it online using some expensive marketing system.


Here’s One of Such Experiences That Later Made Me N1.3M in Less Than 30 Days…


On that faithful day I was Broke and stranded in a no man’s land…


  • No family to call
  • No friend to call
  • Everyone was making gest of me

it was so bad that…


I was already thinking of going to the street and start begging people for money.


Luckily, while I was scrolling the internet as usual, 


I saw an advert on how to get a quick loan without collateral using my mobile phone…


This was long ago before mobile loan became popular…


Then I tried it, and I got 10k loan from PayLater (Now Carbon).


I was exited, and was able to sort myself out…


But I did something else…


I turned that experience into a Digital Product, created the sales page, write the emails and started selling.


It was cheap and easy money every day for like three years.


When I was going to stop selling it in 2021,


I made more than 1.3M Naira in 30 days selling it…

But guise what?


I was just lucky again as usual.


I was lucky to get a loan online.


A lot of work went into creating the sales funnel…


And I eventually figured out…


Why Many People Are Not Making Money Consistently With Digital Products


It’s simply because they are using old marketing methods.


Which are:


– Post your link on WhatsApp 


– post it on groups


– post it on Facebook 


– post it on Facebook comments – etc


Or a more advanced methods (my favourites) like…


– Set up and email marketing strategy and automate (I use this a lot).


It works but takes time and efforts and some level of expertise in writing.


In bid to simplifying and guaranteeing my sales process…


I then discovered a new system.


The new system does not require you to do all the above.


With the new system…


You can easily:


– Put your product in front of 100 people+ at a time.


– Get your first sales on day one.


– Gets you more than 4 more sales within five days.


If you are making 15k commission per sale that’s like 75k in one week.

And then…


– Repeat.


If you repeat this system twice a week… 


…the new system can easily make you six figures weekly spending less than 4hrs per week.

With this system, I could predict my income…


And I only needed to work 4 hours in a week to make at least 100,000 Naira equivalent in any currency.


In the last 3 years, I have used this system to sell thousands of digital knowledge-based products online.


and recently, 


I started testing this system with Affiliate Marketing products.

First I was making multiple 5 figures consistently.





Then after several testing

I got it right.


Each time

I make six figures.

At least a 100k weekly.

Below Are Some of My Most Recent Sales From Affiliate Marketing

Here Are Some Sales Made In US Dollars, Screenshot Directly from My Email…

And Many more I don’t want to bore you with…

In Case You Don’t Believe, Here is The Video Of The Above Screenshots…

Many people thing making money online selling digital knowledge based product is hard…


but it’s not, if you have the right guidance… 


“These Are The 3 Steps I follow To Make Money Daily With Our Digital Product Sales Strategy”

This is how it works.


1. Decide which product to sell: This can be your product or an Affiliate Product, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you pick a product that can make you money.


2. Use my newly discovered sales system to sell it.  The sales system is a two steps to cash system. Step one and Two, and boom, it works all the time. 


No previous experience required. No tech Skills requires. Just  your phone and access to internet.


3. Get paid each time you apply the system.


If you are selling your product, you get to keep 100%


If you are selling affiliate products,


you can be looking at making 50% upwards per sale.


This means if the product you have in your funnel sells for 40k, each time someone buys, you get 20k as commission.


If you do 1 sale daily that’s 20k income for you that day.


And I assure you, with this new sales system, doing 20k a day is very easy and realistic.


Making money online is not about how big or small…


…what matters is the daily drop cashflow… And you can create it with this system.


There is an adage that says “if you don’t have someone you can both create wealth together, your journey to wealth will take longer time” 


It means, if you don’t have someone to reveal the secret of making money to you, you won’t make money on time.


In fact, you might never get wealthy in your early age.


That’s why you need this kind of partnership to make it fast.


Because once you are above some certain age, 


money at times, would have become nothing because you may no longer be able to enjoy the good things of life anymore.


🔐 Many people never made sales online selling digital knowledge based product because they are using the wrong strategy…


There’s a new strategy that works flawlessly, and unless that’s what you are using, you can’t make sales daily, in fact, you may never make sales at all!


You don’t need any tech experience.


The truth is, people will keep buying as long as they have needs…


And with this strategy, people will be able to give you money in exchange for the program you are selling.


And then you watch as your sales drop one after the other.


You don’t need physical contact with the prospects,


you don’t need a tech skill,


you don’t need to post on WhatsApp status or dance in front of tik-tok.


with this system…


you can conveniently make up to 20k daily with this business model


And one successful sale can easily make you 20k profit


And sometimes you can sell 3 or 5 in one week.


five sales of a product that make you 20k per sale is 100k,


that’s how much you can make weekly with the right information.


As I said, you can do everything online without leaving your home, right from your phone.


Location is not important.


You can be in as far as Australia, and be making money from Lagos.


You won’t do anything other than just “chat” and answer a few questions using the result oriented sales strategy I share with you…



And for every sale, I make between 5,000 to 30,000 profit using this system.


and at times, I make 5 sales in a day.


Sometimes, I sell up to 10 in one day.


You can do the math yourself.


So if I’m saying you can make 20,000 profit daily


I’m just being modest and realistic.


you can make more.


The goal is to set up a system that makes you money every day.


I know by now you are wondering…


How do you get started?

Shortly, I’ll tell you how you can join this program today…


But before you hop on… There’s something Very Important I need to tell you…

Yes, it’s true…


Using my clever Digital Product Sales strategy means…


You’ll be making just enough money to live life on your terms… and take very good care of your loved ones.


Simply put:


The money is good. Very good.


And you’ll have a life most people can only dream of.


A life you’ll be proud of.


A life your loved ones will be proud of.


But the reality is:


The money won’t just fall on your lap.


You have to take this stuff seriously.


You have to take what you learn and put it to work


You have to be consistent.




You will have to work hard.


Even though I have made a lot with this opportunity, the money didn’t just fall from the sky.


I work hard.


See where I’m going?


So if you’re not ready to work hard…


If you can’t 100% commit to this path long-term


If you’re someone who lacks patience and discipline…


Or someone who’s looking for quick money.


I’m not your guy.


And as such…


I don’t want you in my program.


Hope You Understand What I’m Telling You?


That said.


If you are ready to put in the work…


I’m confident you’ll love the result.


On that basis, I’ll like to invite you to join the “Six-figure Weekly Income System – SixWise


How to Join Six-Figure Weekly Income System

This is a program I created to teach you step-by-step How to Make Money Daily Selling Digital Products Online…


Without a Tech skill or Previous experience 


Without Begging anyone to Buy from you.


You can be a complete beginner and start making money daily from week one…


…if you follow the simple steps in the Six-WIS Program.


Here’s what you’re getting as a new member of the Six-figure Weekly Income System – Six-WIS



The Beginner Friendly “SixWise Document” That Helped Me Go From Zero to N164,640 Profit in Less Than Three Days…


Attached below is the screenshot of my dashboard showing the income


I use this method to make 6-figures as often as I wish…




If you’re struggling to make ends meet and are searching for a way out, this system helped me and may be able to help you too.


the same Document I use


is what I am giving you…


This document is easy to read and easy to understand…


It gives you a solid foundation on how the money really works using my Digital Product Sales Strategy.


Helps you get “Good enough to earn up to N20,000 or more” per day, selling Digital products from anywhere.


Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll learn inside this document:


  • Since what you’ll be doing is selling digital knowledge-based products (yours or affiliate product) and making money from it… This is the part I will show you the first step to take if you are to make money daily with this strategy (… it’s understanding what products people spend money on) And that’s what you’ll learn in this eye-opening section.
  • You’ll get a list of high-converting products you can start with immediately.
  • A Done-for-you Sales Script to Deploy when people reach out to you for a product (so you know exactly what to say to convince them)
  • How to pick a product to sell from Affiliate Network Platform and confirm its profitability at a glance.
  • The Negotiation tactics that help me get consistent sales from the mid-ticket product I sell. This will help you make more money selling other people’s products and as I initially said, profit margin on your sales can go as high as 20,000 per product… Imagine making just two of that daily.
  • You’ll discover a simple system for selling the product without leaving your home, without a website of your own, without posting on WhatsApp, without begging people to buy or having any tech skills.
  • How to get paid directly into your bank account selling in all African countries.
  • And more.


Get A Done-for-You Proven Sales System for 3 HOT Products On Stakecut Affiliate Marketing Platform


You can just plug this in so you can start making money from the very first week.


If you are wondering where do you start from, or what product to sell, don’t be afraid.



in this module, I will give you three hot products you can start with.


they are evergreen.


you will get all the necessary resources you need to start selling the products immediately.


You can just pick any of these three products, copy and paste the sales system and start selling immediately after getting this program from day one.



Unrestricted Access To My Offer Conversion Class

In this module, you will learn how to sell digital products in 10s and 100s with ease using Offer Conversion Strategy,


that gets your audience to match on each other to buy from you even if they do not want the product…


you’ll discover three things that determine unstoppable sales:


1. Audience Mastery: this is simply knowing those who needed the products that will most definitely guarantee sales.


2. Offer Packaging: this is how to put together a great offer that gets people to beg you to sell your products to them.


3. Closing: This is the point where you get people to say, hey, take my money and send me the product.


Many business owners have great products and good offers but they don’t know how to get people to say yes,


shockingly, you don’t need to worry about that anymore, this section has already solved the problem for you.


With this you don’t need copywriting, you don’t need hard selling, and you don’t need to know how to write sales copy.


You will learn how to make people buy what you sell, even if they have to walk on fire, walk through the desert or sleep on ice in order to get it.





This module alone is sold separately but I am adding it for you so you can make more profit.



Advance Facebook & Instagram Ads Training Using AI – C. V. T. Method

If you are wondering how to run a profitable Advert on Facebook and Instagram, 


this is the module where I show you how to do it perfectly.


I have been running Facebook and Instagram advert for more than 10 years 


and in that time I have made my fair share of mistakes and successes…




and these two platforms, Facebook & Instagram…




…can be used to get plenty of sales every day if you know how to use their advert systems correctly.


I know many people have lost money due to a failed advert, then gave up on paid ads, 


the thing is that,


You can’t close your shop because you are not selling, you have to find what’s wrong and try again until you get it right.


With this ad system…


you can make sales of any product you sell both offline and online.



The beauty of it is that…



You can use this Facebook & Instagram Ad system to sell any product and still get great results.


I teach practical ways to reduce Facebook and Instagram advert costs, and increase your conversion.


I’ll show you how it’s done by actually doing it for you…



…in a video guide that feels as though you are standing behind me and watch me do it.



WhatsApp Marketing Automation That Makes You Money Even While You Sleep

One of the things that will ensure your success is your ability to automate some parts of your digital product business using WhatsApp.
That’s why I have included this video guide for you…
So you know how to set up your WhatsApp such that you can automate, and you can make money even while you sleep or out of town.


And you’ll be given immediate…


Access to Our Private Members Only Group

Ask Questions, Get Help on your questions… and Interact with Dozens of Amazing Experts who are happy to help You Day by Day…

Call it our little family group.


I’m aware of the importance of continual support in business,


when you sign up,


you’ll be added to our private group where you can get help


And get answers from either me


Or anyone of my students…


As you’ll see… it’s more than just a support group


We’re really just like a small, happy family…


Where every member wants to see the other person win


and also get updates on new systems of getting sales, 


And I’m confident you’ll love it here.


Now… if you’ve checked out everything


And you really want to join us…


Then the next question on your mind is probably…


“How much to enroll for the SixWise Program?”


Good question….


And I’ll give you the answer in just a minute (I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see the price…)


But first…


I want to give you everything you’ll need to succeed on this path…


A comprehensive strategy that will serve you for life…


Including (but not limited to)… when you choose to start your own company or forge your own business partnerships.


And on that basis…


Here are a few bonuses I thought you might need:


Bonus #1

AI Controlled Organic Traffic Strategy

I want to ensure you have all you need to succeed with this program.


That’s why I have included this organic traffic strategy bonus for you.



If you are consistent with it.



You can be looking at making significant amount of money weekly



As long as you continue to trigger the button as often as possible.



It’s called AI Controlled Organic traffic strategy.


This is how to combine AI with some hidden traffic sources to get sales every day without running advert.



This is more useful if you’ve set up your WhatsApp Automation,



So all you need is to connect this to your WhatsApp 


and start getting responses from real people, and it can help you make money while you do other things.



This is a coded method many young folks are secretly using to get sales without running paid advert 

or using any paid software.



It’s completely free to use and you’ll learn everything in this module.


Recurring Income

Learn how to create and grow a 6-figure membership site, even if you have no prior experience. Discover what membership sites are, how they work, and the benefits of recurring revenue.




Access To Recordings From Our “Q & A” Sessions, So You’re Not Confused What To Do First

I’m confident you’ll learn something that will be useful to you… (one way or another…)


You’ll always have access to the recordings inside the members area. 


So that’s it.


As you can see, what I’ve tried to do is give you everything you’ll need to succeed on this path…


Along with the guidance and support too


Plus… these program is easy to implement


There is a guide on how to study (and implement)


To make it as easy as possible for you


So you’re not confused on where to start…


Or what to do next


And remember, if you ever have any questions…


All you have to do is reach out in the members group


And you’ll have your questions answered…


Either by me… or any one of my students.


So that’s it…


Everything outlined above is what you’re getting when you join us today.


Now, to the question of…

How Much to Enroll for the Six-Figure Weekly Income System?

Before I tell you how much you’re investing to join us…


There’s one more thing I’d like to say…


You see before I discovered this new way to make money daily…


I was a struggling Digital Marketer and almost everyone who knew me thought I was wasting my life.


Do you blame them? Of course not…


I was not making enough money.


I was broke and it physically showed in my ways of life.


So, only little money was flowing in.


I continually invest in marketing with no tangible results.


And almost everyone who knew me felt I like wasting my life away…


If you’ve been ridiculed because “you don’t have money” or because you’re still not making progress in what you currently doing online…


Then you know it’s a position nobody wants to be in.


And I can confidently tell you that with this discovery you can prove the naysayers wrong.


Because The Last Chapter of Your Life Has Not Been Written Yet…


And if you’re the kind of person I think you are…


A business-minded person…


Fed up with where you are now…


And ready to change your story for good…


I want to tell you that you’re on the right track.


And I am confident that if you take everything in this program and put it to use…


It won’t be long before you look back and realize you have a completely new level of personal income and lifestyle freedom…


And I want to make it as easy as possible for you to join…


On that note…


Let’s talk about… how much you’re investing to join the Six-Figure Weeky Income System Program today:


If we’re to set a fair price for this…


It shouldn’t be anything less than N150,000


And even then…


It’d still be a good deal.


This system has helped me move from zero to making more than 800k monthly consistently.


And just


100,000 in a week and in two weeks you can make 200,000 and recoup your investment back

And you can start to make six figures from the first week.


So, 100,000 would be a great bargain.


See it as making an investment that will give you returns in multiple folds.


But I realize not everyone interested in joining us today will have N100,000 to invest right away…


Plus, I want to make this as affordable as possible for anyone interested in doing this kind of business I do for a living.


That’s why today (until we raise the price)


I’m making this opportunity available to you


For (=N=N35,000 or $30

I know a lot of people who needed this have fallen victim of scam and unprofitable ventures in the past…


And many may even have to borrow if they have to make the payment today.


I have been in your shoes, so I know how it feels.


Some people make their money by teaching others to make money,


but I make my money by practicing what I teach.


Now that I have something that works,


I feel I should be kind enough to give some consideration


As such, 


…If you join today you ONLY pay just N12,000 ($10) Only.

And it’s a one-time payment.


Once you pay you don’t have to pay anything again.


Just 1 sale (which you can do within 48hrs) and you’ve recouped your investment and everything you make after is pure 100% profit.


And you can do this within your first week.


The more focused you are, the more money you make.


You know…


Many people will borrow just to impress others…


They’ll empty their bank accounts (even borrow lots more) to invest in Ponzi schemes that promise fast gain… promote overnight riches.


But when it comes to investing in something that can change their lives for good…


Something that can set them free from lack of money for the rest of their lives…


They’ll say they don’t have money (because it doesn’t promise fast gains… or overnight riches.)


Then they look back 2years to 5years down the line.


And realize they’re still stuck with a life they hate.


It’s at this point…


That many people start wishing they did the right thing earlier.


Anyway, I’m not here to tell you what to do with your money


…or your life for that matter.


I’m sure you’re old enough to know what’s good for you.


And if you’d rather pass on this, that’s fine, no pressure.


But if you’d like to join us today through this special deal


It would be nice to have you on board.


However, before you sign up, let me put your mind at ease:


Here’s My 30 Days 200% Money Back Guarantee.

As you can see, I’m not just selling you a program.


I’m offering support, giving you plug-and-play templates and ensuring you succeed.


The proof of income you see on this page gives you an idea of just how effective the Six-WIS is…


I could easily charge N150,000 ($125) for this.


Yet, I’m making it available at a ridiculously low price


To make it easily accessible for anyone interested…


To help as many people who need this


And right now, I’m sweetening the deal further


…by giving 2X what you pay if you didn’t get everything I promised here.


What you see on this page is what you get.


If within 30 days after you get this program 


You discover that you didn’t get everything we promised…


Just request a refund


And you’ll get 2X your money back immediately.


You can screenshot this page for future references.


Everything you see here today is exactly what you are getting.


I have unshakable confidence in what I teach and give.


And if you consistently implement what you learn, I’m confident you’ll love the results.


If you’re ok with my refund policy…


And you’re ready to get started…


On your path to start making money daily…


selling other people’s digital products using my SixWise strategy…


And living just the kind of life you’ve always wanted…


With enough money to take better care of yourself and your loved ones… (and prove the naysayers wrong)





Don’t Move Like a Sloth…

It’s a lesson of defining moment.


If it reaches you unprepared.


You will be disappointed.


Your miracle will pass you bye


preparedness plus opportunity 

leads to miracle.




Your loved ones on a sick bed


At the point of death


You needed money urgently


And there’s nothing to give


No one to call


And you have not enough in your bank.


Don’t even say “I won’t spend my money on sickness”


For you, it may not be sickness…


Anyone can be in need of an urgent financial help.


Life happens.


And when it does


You must be ready for it.


At some points, 

my mum almost died because I couldn’t afford a 1,000 anti malaria drug for her…


It was a neighbour who helped us.


I was sad.


I cried.


If she had died


I wouldn’t have forgiven myself.


Yours might not be sickness


It might be an opportunity you needed some money to take advantage of.


But you missed


Because you were financially unprepared


If this happens to you.


You won’t forgive yourself for it.


Deep down


You’ll know you have wasted time.


Who knows…


Maybe you’re supposed to be in the UK or Canada by now.


Taking advantage of the study route everyone is using to get a better life.


But to do that legally…


Without using any fake documents…


You need at least 30m ($20,000)


for Visa fees, agent fees, school fees, flight tickets,


accommodation and other living expense.


And that’s for singles.


To go with your family.


Using the same route.


You need more.


Far more.


But I guess many are still stocked in their country mainly because they don’t have that kind of money.


Let me advice you…


Don’t procrastinate on things that can transform your finance positively.


Become an Alpha person.


Become someone in total control of their finance.


Earn daily.


Decide how much you make…


You’re a special being


There’s power in your mind


And if you understand that power


You’ll be limitless.


You’ll be really successful.


But to discover it and able to try your ideas.


You need to first start Earning daily.


You need more money.


at least 20,000 daily is not a bad start.

with time it will be more


Start today.


Join now.


Don’t wait until your defining moment catches up with you.


Tomorrow is already late.


Do it now.





And it’s a one-time payment.


Once you pay you don’t have to pay anything again.



And you’ll be given access to the training program immediately your payment is confirmed.


NOTE: The 12,000 ($10) is only for today and it will change to 35k ($30) anytime from now.

If and when you come here and see that it has changed, don’t come begging. I reserve the right to change it any time I want.


All the Best,

Abolarin Kehinde

Creator, Six-Figure Weekly Income System – SixWise


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is the SUMMARRY of Everything on This Page…

When is this program starting or has it started already?

It’s an online program; A set of Video Guides and a support group. 


You’ll gain access once you pay your registration fee and it’s available to you for live.


Anytime you join, you’ll have access to the program and everything promised above.


And you won’t have to worry about missing out.


You’ll be automatically added to the members’ group where you keep getting updates from me.


Plus, if you have any questions, you’ll always get answers by sending message to the group.


What Type of Products Will I Be Selling?

Simply put, we sell digital knowledge-based products.


The products can be yours or an Affiliate Product, it doesn’t matter.


We also recommend some Hot Affiliate Products


All the products we recommend are top seller.


We’ll give list you can start with.


And I believe none of them is against your belief.


We’ll also give you the principles we use for choosing our winning products,


So if for any reason you don’t want to promote any of the ones we recommend you will be able to research and get your own product.


What Are The Steps Involved If You’re To Make Money Daily?

Many people thing making money online selling digital knowledge based product is hard…

but it’s not, if you have the right guidance… 


“These Are The 3 Steps I follow To Make Money Daily With Our Digital Product Sales Strategy”

This is how it works.


1. Decide which product to sell: This can be your product or an Affiliate Product, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you pick a product that can make you money.


2. Use my newly discovered sales system to sell it.  The sales system is a two steps to cash system. Step one and Two, and boom, it works all the time. 


No previous experience required. No tech Skills requires. Just  your phone and access to internet.


3. Get paid each time you apply the system.


If you are selling your product, you get to keep 100%



If you are selling affiliate products,



you can be looking at making 50% upwards per sale.


This means if the product you have in your funnel sells for 40k, each time someone buys, you get 20k as commission.



And I assure you, with this system I am introducing to you, doing 20k a day is very easy and realistic.



It’s not about how big or small…



…what matters is the daily drop cashflow… And this Program can create it for you.



As I said, you can do everything online, from your phone without leaving your home.


How do we get paid?

You’ll be selling online, worldwide and you get paid directly into your local bank account anywhere you live in the world.


What if I am not good at marketing or I’ve never made money online before?

It doesn’t matter.


But just a reminder…


Most of my inner circle members started with zero experience…


Like… they knew nothing about digital marketing business.


And had never been paid a single money to sell for anyone


Yet… today… they are making a lot of money in this space.


Guess what?


They are not any smarter than you…


So if they could use what I share with them to get results…


I’m confident you can do the same…


And who knows…


You’ll probably go on to make more money than some of them.



What if I have a job… Can I do this part-time… on the side?


Yes, you can.


You can set aside weekends, or your spare time at least 1 to 2 hours a day…


But this doesn’t take away the fact that you’ll have to put in the necessary work to make things happen.


My point is even if you’re doing this as a side hustle,


You have to be serious and implement what you learn (even if it’s just a few hours daily for a start…)


Otherwise, please don’t sign up.


How long until I start making money?

I can easily tell you within 48hrs of getting this program…


And I have proof to back up that kind of claim.


Some of the proof of results you see on this page were made in less 48hrs.


But I’d be lying if I said I knew exactly when you’d start making money after you get started.


The only thing I can assure you is:


If you focus on implementing (ruthlessly and patiently) what I show you,


You’ll start making money (…upward N100,000 per week and lots more… as demand for your products grows) probably much sooner than you expect, even from the first week.


How long do you think it will take me to finish going through the program… before I start implementing it??


I’d say 4 hours… that’s the average time it will take me if I’m starting from scratch…


But then…


What I’ve learned in all my years of teaching is;


People learn differently


So it might take you more or less, depending on your learning speed…


But the good thing is…


Everything inside the Six-Figure Weekly Income System is easy to understand…


So I’d say you can learn at your own pace…


And if you have any questions…


Don’t hesitate to ask in our members’ group…


We’ll be there for you…


To provide answers and feedback…


To help you progress until you start to get results (using what you learn inside the program)


This way, you’re getting everything out of the invaluable information at your disposal.


I really want this… but I can’t afford the sign-up fee right NOW, can you give me free …so I pay you when I make money?

To be honest with you.


I have done my best to reduce the price such that almost anyone can afford it.


There’s no nobility in poverty. I’ve been poor and I know what it feels like.


However, there’s dignity in labour. 


Especially if you are working with a plan to set yourself free permanently from poverty.


Having said that…


What you can do is either sell off what you’re not using, to raise the money 


Or get a menial job you can do temporarily to raise money


Or ask for help from loved ones.


Ask yourself, if this is the last program you have to take before you start to live the life others can only dream of,


would you prefer to let it pass you by or you’ll give it your best shot?


Though, I would give it my best shot.


And I expect you to do the same.


Can I reach out to you Privately…. if I have questions?

Unless it is a matter of life and death.




Please SEND ALL YOUR QUESTIONS to the “members group”


Because when you ask your questions in the members’ group


Everyone else benefits from the answers that follow (either from me… or any one of my students…)


But when you’re reaching out to me privately…


You’re the only one benefitting.


Not good.


For how long will I have access to this program (and everything you’ve promised) …once I sign up today?

How does lifetime access sound?


Not bad right?


Hopefully, these answers were helpful…


And if you’re still interested in joining us…


To get all the guidance and support you’ll need…


To become a money magnet generating leads for new platforms…


And have the kind of life you’ve always wanted…


All you have to do is click the orange button below,


I’ll see you inside.



This Price is ONLY for today


The normal price for this program is N35,000. But if you get it today you pay just N12,000


And it’s a one-time payment.


Once you pay you don’t have to pay anything again.


However, the 12,000 is only for today. and it will change to 35k ($30) anytime from now.


If and when you come here and see that it has changed, don’t come begging. 


I reserve the right to change it any time I want.


Whatever you decide… I wish you all the best.


“This is like getting iPhone 14 Pro Max for just a 100 Dollars (or N150,000)”

It feels like a trap!


However, this is very real.


I know a lot of people who needed this have fallen victim of scam and unprofitable ventures in the past


And many may even have to borrow the discounted N12,000 if they have to make the payment today.


I have been in your shoes, so I know how it feels.


Some people make their money by teaching others to make money,


but I make my money by practicing what I teach.


Now that I have something that works,


I feel I should be kind enough to give some consideration


As such,


this is not a trap.


This is from the kindness of my heart.


If you’re still interested in making money daily selling other people’s digital products…


Without posting endlessly on WhatsApp status with nothing to show for it, 


Dancing on tick-tock Or begging people to buy.


Join us today.


The fact that you’ll have payment Proof…


…and be able to claim your 200% refund


if you didn’t get everything we promised on the page


should put your mind at ease.


The choice is now yours.


Whatever you decide.


Just know this offer is in the grace period.


You may not find it again anytime from now.


I wish you all the best.




And it’s a one-time payment.

Once you pay you don’t have to pay anything again.



And you’ll be given access to the training program immediately your payment is confirmed.


This is a set of Video Guides and you’ll gain access once you pay your registration fee and it is available to you for live.


You can as well use the Payment button below.


This offer expires today…

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