Attention: feeling like you are missing out on the $75.06 Billion hair business market?

‘’Discover The Secrets That Makes Extra 150k to 500k Monthly Importing and Selling Real Human Hair From Home Without Having Any Contact Abroad or Prior Experience!’’

In A Few Second I Will Hand Over To You The 100% Fail-Proof Blueprint Hair Sellers Are Using To Import High Quality Cheap Real Human Hair From Abroad, Selling At Minimum 110% Profit And Making More Money Day By Day!

From The Desk of Abimbola,
CEO Belle Beauty Inc.

Dear friend;

If you want to know how to import high quality original human hair at a damn cheap price...

If you've tried importing hair in the past but nothing you did ever give you satisfactory results...

If you have tried to start to do any business then give up because everything about it is so hard and you want something easier you can do from home, from your phone and still get good results...

Let me be blunt…

If you wish to be rich...

Not like Dangote o…or Otedola. On a more serious note, I mean financially stable. Have consistent Cash flow.

As in, have a sure side hustle that takes care of EVERYTHING such as food, transport, family, siblings, housing, good phones, laptop… basically everything you need.

Then you need to read the next line very carefully.

I could help you gain the freedom you desire by revealing to you the secrets I use in making nothing less than 110% profit importing real human hair and show you how to make good income with it also.

How possible is this?

Here’s how.

There now exists a safe, legal, and cheaper way of importing real human hair from abroad at a damn cheap price. A solution so powerful, so fast and makes more profit on a single purchase than in buck purchase from Lagos, AliExpress and other sites that other hair sellers have been left speechless!

Right now, my inner circle members are calling this system:


…And here is why.

Now, let me show you something absolutely wonderful.

Take a look at this hair. I imported them last month. True, I had to securely pay upfront for it and it took about 15 days to arrive – but you have to admit it, the price difference from Nigeria value was HUGE. 

Take a Look At This. You are looking at a real Bone straight double drawn hair (Image JEN05 and JEN 09)! The cost price from my supplier is $17 per 100grams (That's just N7,820 @460 per USD), even though the final price depends on the length, the number of Grams you desire or Kilogram and Shipping fees.

But even at that, it still 100% cheaper than you’ll ever get it in Nigeria.

Wait... there is more.

Take a Look At The above real hair (Image FUNMI GOLDEN, FUNMI JEN 07 and FUNMI CLASSIC)! The cost price from my supplier is $18 per 100grams (That's just N8,280 @460 per USD), though the final price depends on the length, the number of Grams you desire or Kilogram and Shipping fees.

But even at that, it still 100% cheaper than you’ll ever get it in Nigeria.

And many more.

Let us look at the cost of other sellers in Nigeria. Have you ever wondered what's the source of all these expensive hair? Follow me and I'll show you...

Here, take a look at some of the local prices.

The Question Now Is This:

What Is It These Sellers Know and Do To Import Cheap And Sell High That You Don’t?

You see, the answer will completely change your life.

The moment I realized their secret, it completely changed EVERYTHING about how I look at hair business. My losses reduced. I started to make more money on a daily basis. My confidence instantly increased and my friends became COMPLETELY obsessed with my new income status.

And here is the good part. I’m going to hand over the answer to you so you can use it to get the exact same result I did.

In fact, the discovery is so SIMPLE it might even surprise you. It might as well seem simple to you that you may make the mistake of not taking it seriously.

When I discovered it, I felt it wouldn’t work. But when I tried it – My friends couldn’t stop believing how quality, cheap and profitable the hair I imported turned to be.

Stay with me. This is very important.

First who am I and why should you listen to me?

My name is Abimbola Atewologun, a beauty entrepreneur. The Creative Director of Belle Beauty Inc.

I have been into the Hair Business for about 7 years, with practical experience in the marketing and Sales but few years ago I discovered a secret that sky rocketed my profit, it literarily change the entire game for me.

This is how it happened.

I met this lady on September 2018 on one of my trips to a neighbouring country, and I lamented at how AliExpress, Alibaba and other sellers fees on human hair are too high and expensive. Luckily, she was in the business also and then tipped me off and said…

Here is what I found out.

Original Human hairs are cheaper than you think… all you need is the direct WhatsApp contact and Website of the local manufacturers and boom… you’ll get up to 70% discount from what you get on all those other websites. And my brain busted lose... I was like... 70 whooping percent off?

But being a business person she was, she never gave me any contact, I had to source for them using my parent's deep connection in Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, China etc), Belarus, Brazil, and Philippine!

It wasn’t easy but you can see for yourself, from the price I bought mine and the price it's sold locally that it was worth it!

Take a Look At The above human hair, the cost price from my supplier is $18 per 100grams (That's just N8,280 @460 per USD) Let's say you sold 300gm to a client that's 8,280 x 3 = 24,840 + 4,000 shipping and clearing fees (basically to the point you have it in your hand) = 28,840 cost price!

See the amount you'll sell it in Nigeria below...

N85,000 Flat!

If you sell your own for N65,000 minus cost price 28,840 = 36,160

Let's say, fees for sending to your client is 2,500...

That's 36,160 - 2,500 =  N33,660 PURE PROFIT!

You still make more than 100% clean profit from a single hair.

To put this into perspective... Realistically, Imagine selling JUST 10 of this in a month?

That's 33,660 x 10 = N336,600 Income for YOU After All Expense!

Would you like to earn this kind of income monthly? Even more?

That's what I want to teach you to do; to make cool quiet money from hair business.

I now make more profit than you can imagine.

So, you won’t go through the stress, trial and error I went through, I am giving all of the detail out to you today to start your own business and take off the right way.

This automatically stops your craving for more information on making money in hair business because, once you start to use this guide, the sky becomes your limit forever.

Here is what some of my students have to say about this ​Masterclass

People that have gone through this class say they are happy how easy the system is as they don’t have to stress themselves looking for additional hair importation programs that mostly leaves them feeling unhappy, and fooled.

Start Making Money…In Just 30 Days Or Less Importing Human Hair


The moment you join this masterclass and discovered all the secrets, you can start using them immediately, because that is how it has been designed…

…to give you every single thing needed to start and run your hair business and start making huge profit until you are tired of making money.

And right now you can:

Raise Hundreds of Thousands, Even Millions in Months with This Than You Can Ever Make In Years Doing A Normal Job!

And it couldn’t be any simpler…all you have to do is simply contact the seller, request product pictures, prices and negotiate if need be, place your order and then go about your normal routine.

You don’t need to stay on it 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week,.

This is everything you get in the A to Z Hair Business ​Masterclass

1. How to identify real human hair; doing hair business is fun but if you do not know how to identify real human hair, you might just buy a fake hair thinking it is original. But it's easy, I'll show you the way so you won't run into unnecessary debt importing fake hair.

2. Instant Access to the sources where you can get high quality human hair plus their contact details. This is the wealth in this business, with this, you can get wholesales price directly from the source with no middle man.

3. I'll show you the three types of human hair to buy that will sell out fast and make you more profit.  There are many types of hair but with this, you will know which one to go for and just go for it.

Some suppliers will even give you recommendations based on what pays them most but you simply ignore them and go for the best. I revealed them to you in this Masterclass.

4. Difference between the types of Remy hair and which one you should go for. This hair is one of the most high sort after and its fake is also plenty. 

As much as it is very easy to know the difference it's really tiny and hard to note. I'll point it to you so your eye goes straight there and be able to know which one exactly to go for that won't ruin your reputation.

5. Clear understanding of the hair grading system and how to use it to make good decisions. The hairs have grades but if you do not know them, you can buy lower grade for the price of the high one. I explained everything in this guide.

6. You'll get sample hair patterns and styles to help you decide which is best to go with.

7. Hair measurement secret sellers don't want you to know. 8" 10" 16" 30" etc Fact is that this things count and you'll get to understand them more.

8. How to rightly price your product so you won't make any loses. I will show you my pricing method that makes me beat my competitors and still make at least 100% profit.

9. You will discover in detail how to use the three types of shipping we have which are Express shipping, Air Cargo shipping and sea cargo shipping to reduce cost, speed up delivery and how to secure your luggage from theft.

10. I will reveal two alternative payment methods you can use to pay your supplier without going through a greedy middle man that takes almost all the profits.

11. You'll have Direct Access to my trusted shipping agents in Nigeria, China, Vietnam and other recommended locations. You will see all in the Masterclass.

12. Step by step guide on how to import your hair from any of the countries. Step A to Z. A work through, more like I am doing it and you watch me do it.

13. I will give you templates of the Four most important things to say to your suppliers before you start negotiating price. This is the tact I have used several times to get huge discount and fast responses from them.

Is this all you get?

Not yet, you’ll also get…

14. Direct access to my human hair source's phone number database. I'll give you contacts of 57 reliable trusted and tested suppliers in Vietnam, China, Cambodia etc.

With names of contact person who you interact with and get good prices from. You can chat them up on WhatsApp or call them if you like. They speak good English.

15. You'll also have One on One Mentorship with me Via WhatsApp. Upon successful registration, I'll give you my direct line you can contact me anytime of the day for any guardians or question.

16. You'll have access to our Mastermind WhatsApp Group where we share new profitable products and Ideas on importation, shipping and new cheaper and reliable suppliers. Simply put, the group is gold.

17. You will also get 3 Months Business Guidance that will ensure you make profit from your new hair business.

18. Detail strategy that can easily generate10 sales for you monthly. Products without sales is nothing, you'll still be broke if you don't clear off your stock. I'll show you fail-proof marketing tactics that generates sales easily.

You don't need to push it, just implement it A,B,C and the right people will buy. I will show you how to do it.

19. You'll also get sales tools such as, pictures, proof of results, marketing messages etc. This is more like a done for you stuff that gets you started from day one.

20. You'll also get instant access to bestselling hair pictures, their Price list, and their respective specific seller's contacts.

This Masterclass is All That You Needed To Start A Profitable Hair Business From Home!

“And If This Does Not Solve Your Money Problem In 90 Days or Less Then Nothing Else Will Help You”

At the very least, after taking this course…

You will be able to buy your own human hair at a very cheap wholesales price directly from the source.

You'll be able to identify and differentiate with confidence original human hair from fake.

You will be able to Start and Grow Your Human Hair Business using the strategies discussed in this class.

You will be able Make Money from home using just your phone and the knowledge of hair importation.

You will be able to supply human hair to other local sellers and still make profit.

Your means of income will have jumped from whatever it is now to plus at least 1 more.

PLUS…It’s Super Affordable Too!

If I think of what it cost to put this system together, and what others paid to learn I would not charge you less than100k flat!

But I am not charging that for three major reasons which are:

1. The passion I have for empowering others is high, which is why I am teaching this in the first place. I desired that everyone would be empowered and be self sufficient.

2. The rate at which young people who are supposed to help others are still dependent due to economic hardship is alarming and this is my way of making life easy for others.

3. The market is huge and highly lucrative, only myself cannot meet all the demands.

That's why for a limited time, you can access this Masterclass and start your own profitable hair business for a commitment fee of N31,000 

N5,000 ONLY (If You order between 18th April and 30th April 2022).


The demand for access to this program has been high in the past few days and I might have to stop sharing this anytime from now so I can concentrate on helping those already registered. 

So to get it RIGHT AWAY send your commitment fee using the button below!

After payment send a WhatsApp message to my assistant on 09048352721


I saw the image below on Innoson Facebook page and I thought... This may indeed be you driving home to a family you love.

And I believed it.

All you have to do is to keep working on your dream of making enough money to support your family and of course, yourself.

And one day, you'll be able to afford your own car, house, help others with the same and more... even if someone will have to dash you, you still need to be able to afford it and use your money for something else.

And this hair business can get you there because...

It is high in demand as a lot of ladies are using it to make themselves look more attractive.

It is very cheap to import if you connect directly to the source; I shared this in the masterclass.

It is highly profitable because the profit margin is very high, more than a 100%

It is very easy to import and sell at least 10 pieces monthly...

And Anyone can do it.

Yes, you can do it.

Say "I can do it".

You can do it just like me and others in my circle.

All you have to do is to get this class Today and...

If You Pay Today, You’ll Also Get the Amazing Special Bonuses: ….absolutely free!

1. ‘The Netpreneur Fastlane’’ - Valued at N7,500

This confidential report is an information packed ‘’must have’’ little red book for EVERYONE trying to turn their ideas into a side hustle that can generate up to extra 500k monthly. Inside you will find all the dirty little secrets that authors, internet marketing companies and publishing gurus don’t want you to know.

This closely guarded breakthrough will make you money FASTER than you ever dreamed possible…

All Yours for free When You Pay Your Commitment Fee For The "A to Z Hair Business Masterclass” Today

2. Access to My Premium Training on Lashes and Makeup Products Importation - Value N5,000

3. How to Start your Branded Lashes and Make-up Products line. Value - N6,000

4. Contacts of attachments and crochets suppliers. Value - N5,000


This is strictly for those who sign up before 30th of April 2022.


You'll be given instant access to our Affiliate Marketing Platform where you'll be able to sell this program as an Affiliate and keep 50% commission.

Come to think of it, you only need to sell two to make your money back and with the marketing strategy I'll reveal to you, you can do this within 48hrs!

This will also give you multiple streams of income and the process of sharing the profit is automated so there's nothing to worry about.

It cost N5,000/Year to register on the Affiliate marketing platform but with this bonus you get 1 year for free.

This offer expires on the 30th of April 2022.

But I can only make this free bonus available to you if you get your Masterclass Access today.

Use the detail below to pay your commitment fee and get started now because anytime from now this page will be shut down so I can concentrate on those already in.

Total Value N31,000

But if you join today, you get everything for just N5,000 Only!

Join us now.

After payment send a WhatsApp message to my assistant on 09048352721

Here Is My "Wow" Guarantee

I give 100% guarantee that this Class "A to Z HAIR BUSINESS Masterclass (HBM)" will deliver everything it promised, and that it will be of help to you, and ultimately increase your money making knowledge. So get it, study it, follow my advise and take action.

If at any point, you believed that even one thing I said inside is a lie, or the secrets I revealed in it does not work, just let me know and I'll return 100% of your =N=5,000 commitment fee and let you keep the information anyway.

And all the unique bonuses are yours to keep too.

That's right.

Just WhatsApp me or my assistant and I'll give you back your money with no trouble.

Sound fair?


Like I said, no more price increase because the rush for this Masterclass is overwhelming which means, anytime from now, I will just shut down the offer so I can FOCUS on helping those who already got the Masterclass Access.


After payment send a WhatsApp message to my assistant on 09048352721

We'll talk soon.

Abimbola Atewologun

CEO, Belle Beauty.

Expires in:


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